Our New Gravity Paramotors 2-blade Carbon Fiber Propellers for the Vittorazi Moster Engines
130cm – For 2.68 or 2.87 reduction drive on a Vittorazi Moster 185 Plus/Silent/Classic (Choose One).
Gravity Paramotors propellers have been designed and optimized per Gravity Paramotors strict requirements to deliver maximum power and fuel efficiency while maintaining proper engine temps.
** Please note: When running a propeller with a cooling profile you will need a propeller spacer to ensure proper clearance from the reduction drive, please contact us if you have further questions.**
- This spacer is recommended for the Vittorazi Moster:?Aluminum Spacer
- Reduction Drive selection: Almost all Vittorazi engines ship with a standard 2.68 reduction drive. You should have been informed by your dealer/manufacturer?if you purchased a 2.87 reduction, also note, some PAP/Adventure paramotors ship with a 2.87 reduction drive as standard.
- Please contact us if you have any questions.
These propellers are manufactured by Helix and meet the specifications to maintain your manufacturer’s warranty.
**Dealer orders welcome, please contact us for pricing…
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